Friday, May 25, 2007

WESTLIFE-Nicky Byrne

Date of birth - 9th October 1978
Birth Name- Nicholas Bernard James Adam Byrne
Nickname -Nico, Nix

Mini Biography
Nicky was born Nicholas Bernard James Adam Byrne on October 9th, 1978 to proud parents Yvonne and Nicky. His Irish name is Nucal O'Byrne. He was born in Dublin as the middle child, having an older sister, Gillian and a younger brother, Adam. From the age of 7 he played for local, successful Dublin side Home Farm Football Club. He played as a goalkeeper, and when he was in his early teens he won the Young European Keeper of the Year. He met Georgina Ahern at high school. They got together after three years of shying away from each other and staring across classrooms into each other's eyes. Nicky's best friend, Colm 'Cos' Costello, got the two together, and they've been together ever since. That was 1995!

At age 15, he was signed up by Leeds United as a goalkeeper. He grew homesick, and missed his family and girlfriend. His then manager, George Graham, decided two years later, that Nicky was too short, and unless he grew a few inches he would terminate his contract. Unfortunately for Nicky, he didn't grow, and his contract with Leeds was terminated after 2 years.

When he returned home, he retook his Leaving Certificate (GCSEs) at Plunkett College. He then set up a karaoke business with his father called 'Father and Son', and they toured local pubs doing Boyzone songs. The Westlife audition came to Nicky's attention through his Aunty, but he was pessimistic about the idea. His girlfriend persuaded him to go, telling him she had confidence in him. He decided to go, but didn't tell anyone he was going. It was only when his face was seen in the paper that people found out. He was in the paper because he was up against another blonde for the only place in the band left. That other blonde was Brian McFadden. Eventually the pair of them got into the band, and Westlife was born.

Westlife's debut single was released in May 1999, Swear It Again, and started off a string of 7 consecutive number ones, ending with My Love in 2001. All four of their albums reached the top spot, and they have the Guinness World Record for the first boyband in history to have five consecutive number ones from their debut.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


The future is not a gift, its an achievement, and every generation is challenged to make its own future.
We exist to support the new generation of Kenyans who will soon make a new future for Kenya; a future free of corrupt leaders and bad governance.
Robert Kennedy

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Raila Interviewed by telephone!

We are privilledged to bring to the readers, a telephone interview with Raila Odinga, the man who wants to be president:

APN: Mr Raila, you have told Kenyans that you are the right man for the presidency. Why do you think so?

Raila: I am the right man because I want Kenyans to have a change, to be led by younger generation who can deliver.

APN: Your father wanted to become Kenya’s leader. He never got it. You emerged and trying to fulfil what he did not achieve. Is it to ensure that you someone in the family gets it?

Raila: No, then you get it wrong. In fact I do not like the line APN takes when addressing ODM-K issues. I feel APN is negative towards ODM-K.

APN: Do you think ODM-K will elect you the flag bearer?

Raila: Actually I do not want to be president but prime minister. I want Kalonzo to become flag bearer. If we can change the constitution and open a way for primiership I will be happy with that.

APN: People say you cannot be trusted. You have changed parties as you change clothes. You ran away from Ford-K, your father’s own political machine, Can you tell us why?

Raila: When my father died after building the party, others wanted to gain from his sweat. They refused to listen to me. I wanted to be chairman of the party but they refused. They said I was young. I decded to leave with my Luo supporters. Then others I did not expect followed also. That is when I decided to form NDP.

APN: Then you were not satisfied in your own party?

Raila: Yes I was not. I discovered that it would not take over power. So I started planning. I knew Moi was getting Old. He promised me that I was to take over Kanu if I dismantled my party. When I did join Kanu, he organised so that I took over as Secretary General. Moi knew my plan. I wanted to be the first Luo to rule the country. He told me he would help me get to the top. I was happy. In fact I became so sure when he started allowing me to travel presidential with him.

APN: But then hat happned between you and Moi? You did not become his choice in the end. When they came to Kassarani, it was Uhuru Kenyatta that was a preferred man to take over Kanu.

Raila: Yes you are right. I never forgave Moi after that. I decided it was time to move on and find something else to do. Our knowledge was that Kibaki was a weak man. So I started to strategise to join him. But I did not want to do so directly. I needed a party to use as a stepping stone. LDP was there ready for me.

APN: Then what happened?

Raila: I realised many others were willing to abandon Moi and Kanu. I told my wife how happy I was that even Kalonzo was willing to abandon Moi together with Saitoti. That would strengthen me in search of firm leadership in he new party. But I did not want to become the leader of LDP. It was important not to let people know what was happening. Moi got desperate. He send his personal assistant to offer me 100 million, if only I could help Kanu to remain in power. I agreed to help But behind the scenes, we were very active to make Kibaki feel he was the man to take over. It was important to do that because we were thinking og the Kikuyus who were now thirsty after power.

APN: Tell us what transpired after you made Kibaki accept to be the uniting figure.

Raila: He was sick. We thought we were using him. We thought the chance to take over from him was there. He quickly short-changed all of us and took firm control. I have never been bitter like that day. I had it in my hands and it was taken away from from me. I was very sure that within one year, I would become prime minister. It did not happen. I was nery sad not to deliver to the Luo people what I had promised them.

APN: What had you promised them?

Raila: I had promised them that it was our time and that we were getting it this time. It really made me feel bad. It even strained my marraige at the time. I used to joke with my wife that she would soon be the First Lady. I never knew she took it seriously.

APN: Does she expect you to be the next president of Kenya after the next general elections?

Raila: I do not want to answer that! Have you finished your questions? I have to go.

APN: No sir, We still have a few questions. We would like to know if you think you will defeat Kibaki?

Raila: I do not like your line of questioning. Are you recording the interview?

APN: Yes sir. We have recorded it for record purposes only.

Raila: Will I get a copy of it?

APN: Yes. We will make a copy for you. Just allow us to ask two more questions.

Raila: OK go ahead.

APN: There are speculations that if you take over power in Kenya, you will make Kisumu the capital of Kenya. There are also rumours that you will emphasise in the use of Luo language in State House. Is this wrong sir?

Raila: I want to make it clear. Every leader chooses the people he trusts. It is definite that I will have trusted people around me. It does not matter what tribe they come from. But it is important for me to have those I know very well and then the choice can easily fall to those I know from children-hood. On the question of the capital being moved to Kisumu. I want to tell you that I have never thought of doing that. It does not mean that I cannot operate from Kisumu just like Jomo Kenyatta operated from Gatundu. Moi operated from his home Kabarak. Both of them were being paid homage ther by diplomats and dignitaries. What is wrong doing that to promote business in Kisumu? In fact many dignitaries I have met love eating fish and there is plenty in Kisums.

APN: Who would you have as minister of justice if you were to become president?

Raila: Kibaki has Karua after Kiraitu. Kajwang is a good fellow. Or will that be tribal? Anyway, that is not something I go around thinking about. But for sure, I would abolish provincial administration. And give more power to county councils. I would have Mudavadi as my running mate to woe the Luhyias and if Uhuru backs my candidacy, I will open a door for him in the cabinet. I know you want to hear about Ruto. I will make him a minister of state in my office in charge of National Development. That will ensure Rift Valley is developed.

APN: Will you arrest Kibaki and Moi for the accusations against them on past corruption if you were chosen president?

Raila: I do not wish to answer this question, but let me give you a short comment. Justice must be done, and if anyone has abused his authority, I will not interfere if charges against them are instituted.

APN: Thank you sir for granting us this telephone interview. We wish you well in your strategies ahead of the elections.

Raila: Thank you.

This was a very interesting interview interupted by reservations from the Raila, who was not sure whether or not he should give us the interview.

It has taken us 2 months to get him to talk to us.


I have always seen life for what it really is.
Ever since I was a child growing up, hard times are all I know.

I had to sit back and watch my mother work from sunset to sundown.
I had to sit back and watch my mother work herself to her grave.

Nothing ever came easy for her.
She always had a heart and kept a smile on her face.

Life is like a newborn baby struggling to come out of its mother's womb,
life is a struggle true enough, but after all the struggling you have done,

and after all the hell you have been through, there is success.
Life is nothing but a big struggle, but just keep the faith and focus on your goals.

Don't let life beat you or you will be walking around like zombies.
Keep on pushing, keep on trying, life can be whatever you make it to be.

But life can also be a bowl of cherries with whip cream and apple pie.
I say this again; life is what you make of it.

You can achieve or conquer anything it throws at you,
you can't quit or give up, you have got to keep on working,

look higher some way, some how you are going to make it.

Research by Kitty
Article by David Cook


This is a special dedication to all my friends.

Thank you Lord, for all my friends
Each one is dear to me
For all the smiles and glowing hearts
I seem to always see.

They're there in times of good and bad
Their love, they always share
They fill me with unending joy
And show me that they care.

I see them as the shining stars
God placed them there with care
I may not always see their smiles
But know they're always there.

Thank you Lord, for all my friends
Each one is dear to me
For all the smiles and glowing hearts
I seem to always see.

They're there in times of good and bad
Their love, they always share
They fill me with unending joy
And show me that they care.

I see them as the shining stars
God placed them there with care
I may not always see their smiles
But know they're always there.


I was talking to a friend a few days ago not just normal talk on just anything but it was on the rise of infidelity among many relationships and what i found out was amazing if not surprising but to my expectations there were a few tips that we came up with on how to know if your partner is cheating on you. Read article by Edward Talurdey
Statistics tell us that 50% of men who think their partner is cheating are correct and 85% of women who notice signs of infidelity are right. Infidelity is steadily increasing. Here are some of the common signs of infidelity.
  • Many, long phone calls.
  • Has a secret cell phone or unknown numbers stored.
  • Has a secret e-mail address and account.
  • Deletion of e-mail messages, phone messages, etc.
  • Has a “special friend” of the opposite sex.
  • The innocent spouse receives special gifts or flowers for no reason.
  • The cheating partner suspects his/her partner and acts accusatory, due to his/her own guilt.
  • Has deposit slips for someone else’s bank account.
  • Loans money for unusual reasons or lies about where money went.
  • Carries someone else’s house keys.
  • Makes drastic and wide-ranging efforts to lose weight, buy sexy underwear, color hair, and improve wardrobe, grooming and hygiene.
  • Makes a change in attitude, usually perceived as not caring as much about the spouse or not making an effort within the relationship.
  • Refuses to talk about extramarital affairs or people he/she once showed interest in.
  • Suddenly has many new friends and hangouts.
  • Not being where he/she said he/she would be.
  • Cryptic remarks made by friends (They are hints.)
  • Removal of the kids’ toys and car seats from the car.
  • Items in the car do not belong to anyone in the family.
  • Gets a sexually transmitted disease.
  • Has a change in body odor.
  • Strange personal items are found in the home when the spouse has been away – sometimes left on purpose by the cheater’s lover for the spouse to find.
  • Hidden gifts or cards don’t show up on holidays or birthdays (Check car trunks and the garage, tool boxes, sanitary napkin boxes.)
  • Has cyber sex or meets people in person from chat rooms.
  • Shows uncomfortable behavior around a friend or neighbor of the opposite sex, ignores the person.
  • Avoids work colleagues when accompanied by the spouse.
I want to be perfectly clear with about this:
This is not a 'Relationship book',
There’s no fluff on how to survive an affair or rebuild your damaged relationship.Quite frankly, if you’re looking for something along those lines, I suggest you run down to your local bookstore and pick up 'relationship rescue' by Dr.Phil.

That's just a small "taste" of what you'll learn in each and every jam-packed page of this sizzling material.

You’ll have full access to massive amounts of “underground” information on how to discover who the other man or other woman is, how long the affair has been going on, where it’s taking place, what their plans are for the future and more.

It’s like having a dream team of the world’s best private investigators standing over your shoulder and guiding you every step of the way!