Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I was talking to a friend a few days ago not just normal talk on just anything but it was on the rise of infidelity among many relationships and what i found out was amazing if not surprising but to my expectations there were a few tips that we came up with on how to know if your partner is cheating on you. Read article by Edward Talurdey
Statistics tell us that 50% of men who think their partner is cheating are correct and 85% of women who notice signs of infidelity are right. Infidelity is steadily increasing. Here are some of the common signs of infidelity.
  • Many, long phone calls.
  • Has a secret cell phone or unknown numbers stored.
  • Has a secret e-mail address and account.
  • Deletion of e-mail messages, phone messages, etc.
  • Has a “special friend” of the opposite sex.
  • The innocent spouse receives special gifts or flowers for no reason.
  • The cheating partner suspects his/her partner and acts accusatory, due to his/her own guilt.
  • Has deposit slips for someone else’s bank account.
  • Loans money for unusual reasons or lies about where money went.
  • Carries someone else’s house keys.
  • Makes drastic and wide-ranging efforts to lose weight, buy sexy underwear, color hair, and improve wardrobe, grooming and hygiene.
  • Makes a change in attitude, usually perceived as not caring as much about the spouse or not making an effort within the relationship.
  • Refuses to talk about extramarital affairs or people he/she once showed interest in.
  • Suddenly has many new friends and hangouts.
  • Not being where he/she said he/she would be.
  • Cryptic remarks made by friends (They are hints.)
  • Removal of the kids’ toys and car seats from the car.
  • Items in the car do not belong to anyone in the family.
  • Gets a sexually transmitted disease.
  • Has a change in body odor.
  • Strange personal items are found in the home when the spouse has been away – sometimes left on purpose by the cheater’s lover for the spouse to find.
  • Hidden gifts or cards don’t show up on holidays or birthdays (Check car trunks and the garage, tool boxes, sanitary napkin boxes.)
  • Has cyber sex or meets people in person from chat rooms.
  • Shows uncomfortable behavior around a friend or neighbor of the opposite sex, ignores the person.
  • Avoids work colleagues when accompanied by the spouse.
I want to be perfectly clear with about this:
This is not a 'Relationship book',
There’s no fluff on how to survive an affair or rebuild your damaged relationship.Quite frankly, if you’re looking for something along those lines, I suggest you run down to your local bookstore and pick up 'relationship rescue' by Dr.Phil.

That's just a small "taste" of what you'll learn in each and every jam-packed page of this sizzling material.

You’ll have full access to massive amounts of “underground” information on how to discover who the other man or other woman is, how long the affair has been going on, where it’s taking place, what their plans are for the future and more.

It’s like having a dream team of the world’s best private investigators standing over your shoulder and guiding you every step of the way!

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